

Is a Soft Landing Possible?

Instead of a soft landing, a "hard landing" scenario will come to fruition at some point. When? While the timing is uncertain, the collapse may be delayed until somewhere next year.

The Psychology Behind a High-Wave Candle

A high-wave candle reflects equilibrium, indecision, and volatility: a tug of war between buyers and sellers signaling a reversal or transition.

Is the S&P 500 Poised for a Melt-up?

While we expect a recession, probably at some point next year, we believe that the market will continue to rise for the next few months.

How to Recognize a High-Wave Candle

High-wave candles are reversal patterns that appear at the end of a strong trend. They have long upper and lower shadows, and their real bodies are frequently small.

S&P 500 Performance After Yield Curve Inversions

The SP500 typically experiences a decline within a range of 6 to 18 months after reaching the low point of the yield curve. The magnitude of these declines range approximately from 20% to 60%.

Is Natural Gas Forming a Floor?

After the dramatic decline since August 2022, the market might be entering a transition phase in which the trend goes from down to a period of relative stability.