Commodity Assets

The Past and Future of Cotton Prices

In this post, we're going to explore the trends and influences that have molded the trajectory of cotton prices starting from 2020. As we reach the end, we'll share our insights on the potential future direction of this market.

The Evolution and Outlook of Corn Prices

We'll delve into the trends that have shaped the path of corn prices since 2020. Then, we'll provide our perspectives on the potential future course of this market.

Outlook for Soybean Prices

From 2020 onwards, the commodity market, encompassing soybeans and other agricultural products, might have embarked on a supercycle period.

Wheat Prices: A Look Back and Ahead

We delve into the key driving forces that have been shaping the wheat market since 2020. Then, we speculate on the potential trajectory this market might take.

Shaping the Future of Silver Prices

Evidently, this particular scenario may not come to fruition. Nevertheless, we deem it a likely outcome. Episodes of profound collapses and panic, similar to the one observed in 2020, frequently precede commodity supercycles.

Oil Prices (WTI): A Glimpse into the Future

Starting in 2020, the commodity market may have entered a supercycle phase. Such supercycles usually extend beyond 8 years and lead to substantial price escalations.

Where Are Copper Prices Heading?

Scenario 1. Since 2020, the commodity market might have been going through a supercycle. Scenario 2. Copper could be undergoing a brief correction phase before retesting the lows of 2022. The catalyst for this scenario might be a recession expected to materialize in 2024.

Is Natural Gas Forming a Floor?

After the dramatic decline since August 2022, the market might be entering a transition phase in which the trend goes from down to a period of relative stability.